Hot Work Safety
Hot work is any work that involves burning, welding, cutting, brazing, soldering, grinding, using fire- or spark-producing tools, or other work that produces a source of ignition. Welding and cutting operations are common to drilling and servicing operations. Hazards with hot work are most frequently related to Fire and Explosion Hazards and Welding, Cutting, Brazing and Grinding Hazards; but also be aware that exposure to welding arcs and welding fumes can result in serious and disabling long-term health injuries.
Aims of the Training Course:
By the end of the training a participant would be familiar with:
Welding and Gas cutting Safety, Hazards, Risk and control Measures
Grinding Safety, Hazards, Risk and Control Measures
Types of Gas Cylinders used in Hot Work
Handling and Storage of Gas cylinders
Hot Works in Small Tanks and Drums
Hot work Permit to work
Fire prevention and protection
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Personal protective equipment
Prohibited behaviors and unsafe practices.