An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

Working At Height

Falls from height are one of the most common causes of injury at work. They can result in serious injuries and fatalities to people at work and others passing by, including those carrying out construction and maintenance as well as members of the public. Therefore, it’s important that anyone carrying out work at height activities understands how to work safely and responsibly and in accordance with the law.

This Working at Height training course helps you to comply with the Work at Height Regulations by providing employers and employees with the necessary information needed to be able to successfully deal with working at height risks and control measures. This includes an understanding of how to undertake a working at height risk assessment to effectively control and manage risks, how to use access equipment safely and how to ensure that employees can reduce their risk of falls from height

Benefit of Working at Height Training

For Employees & Workers engaged in Work at Height

  • Gain knowledge, skills and experience that are necessary to select and set up working at heights equipment ready for safe use and operation.
  • Identify risks in the workplace and eliminate or reduce the risk of severe or fatal injuries.
  • Demonstrate to others that you are taking the necessary steps to meet the requirements of National & International standards & Statutory requirements.
  • Use of fall protection system and devices, with rescue measures.

For Employers

  • Proactive measures to manage your claims history by reducing any likelihood of industrial injury claims by their employees and sub-contractors.
  • Comply with the legal and statutory requirements including the Health and Safety at Work.
  • Able to set in place safe systems and work and ensure that you get the best performance from plant and equipment.
  • Increasing awareness of the risks associated with working at heights.
  • Encouraging workers to take steps to avoid, prevent or reduce risk of falls from height.
  • Providing a simple, flexible and interactive training experience for employees, including supervisory and managerial staff.
  • Standardizing training for all staff.

On successful completion of this course students will be issued with a Certificate of Completion and Competency Card.

Training ‘need’ identification

It is a systematic approach for determining what training is required to fulfill the gap of what you know and what you need to

  • Business needs
  • Current competencies
  • Training methods
  • Effectiveness
  • Cost

Who should opt for Work at Height Training?

Anyone who works at height in any place, including a place at or below ground level, is required to undertake training to prove that they are competent and safe in their work. Anyone that is involved in the planning, supervision or management of work at a height.

Outcomes of Work at Height Training

By the end of this course, learners will be able to

  • Understand the common working at height tasks and the associated risks.
  • Understand and Identify the factors that contribute to persons and objects falling from height.
  • Describe the control measures to reduce the risk of falls from height.
  • Understand the proper use of access equipment and safe methods of access to reduce or eliminate the risk of falls.

Effective safety training lead to safe work culture, high morale, increased productivity, hence high credibility.

How we Deliver Work at Height Training

We deliver training with commitment and not contempt. Our training program includes classroom sessions to practical training in field. This includes

  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Safety movies
  • Behavior modeling method
  • Case studies
  • Q & A sessions
  • Role-playing
  • One-to-one interaction
  • Practical training
  • Assessments